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NABHO Professional Development Award

The Nebraska Association of Behavioral Health Organizations appreciates the support and commitment of our member organizations. We also recognize the need to provide and fund opportunities for education and professional development. Attending the National Council Conference is a great opportunity for both.

NABHO is therefore seeking nominations for a $1,000 award to be used to defray the costs of an employee’s attendance of NatCon. 

The form below can be used to nominate yourself or someone else for the award. The Executive Committee will review the nominations and select a recipient.

Funds will be distributed to the award recipient’s organization.

Nominees or Applicants must be employed by a NABHO member organization.

The completed form should demonstrate how the organization and individual will benefit from the award. Preference will be given to candidates who have never before attended a National Conference.

The Recipient may be asked to present a written and/or oral report of the experiences funded by the award.

First Name *
Last Name *
Are you nominating yourself or someone else for the award?
Number of years the nominee has been with the organization:
Has the nominee previously attended a National Council Conference?

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