Executive Committee
Our Executive Committee represents a cross-section of our membership and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization.
Executive Committee Members are elected annual to fill the following roles:
- President
- Past President
- President Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President Adult Services
- Vice President Consumer Affairs
- Vice President Acute Care
- Vice President Children's Services
Executive Director - Annette Dubas
Our Executive Director has a strong commitment to serving our many members and ensures that NABHO members receive all of their entitled benefits as well as professionally representing the Association's interests and priorities at all times.

NABHO Executive Commitee Photos

Natalya Young (President-Elect), Tami Lewis-Ahrendt (Vice President of Adult Services), Lori Scharff (Vice President of Children's Services), Rachel Meier (Mentee), Heather Kirk (President), Chase Francl (Secretary), Chris Allende (Vice President of Consumer Affairs), Tiffany Gressley (Treasurer), Jennifer Jackson (Mentee), NOT PICTURED: Alicia Kuester (Vice President of Acute Care)

Pictured here (left to right):
Back Row - Heather Kirk, Dave Miers, Bob Shueey, Topher Hansen, Brenda Mueller, Jessie McDevitt, Danielle Smith
Front Row - Pegg Siemek-Asche, Heather Bird, Katie McLeese Stephenson, Shirley Terry.
(September 16, 2022)
Executive Committee (FY2021-2022)
- Brenda Mueller - President - Houses of Hope
- Julia Hebenstreit - Past President - The KIM Foundation
- Katie McLeese Stephenson - President Elect - HopeSpoke
- Bob Shueey - Secretary - South Central Behavioral Health
- Topher Hansen - Treasurer - Center Pointe
- Heather Bird - VP Adult Services - Heartland Family Service
- Danielle Smith - VP Consumer Affairs - Wellbeing Initiative
- Stephanie Knight - VP Acute Care - Fillmore County Hospital
- Dennis Vollmer - VP Children's Services - Boys Town

Katie McLeese Stephenson (President), Brenda Mueller (Past President), Heather Kirk President-Elect, Danielle Smith (Vice President of Consumer Affairs), Pegg Siemek Asche (Vice President of ), Heather Bird (Vice President of Adult Services), Dave Miers (Vice President of Acute Care), Topher Hansen (Treasurer), Bob Shueey (Secretary), Shirley Terry (Mentee), Stephanie McLeese-Griffin (Mentee)

Pictured here (left to right):
Sadie Thompson, Marilyn Rhoten, Dave Miers, Chase Francl, Bob Shueey, Nicole Kauk, Julia Hebenstreit, Katie McLeese -Stephenson.
(June 21, 2019)